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For those who are planning a trip to Peru, here are some interesting facts about the country.

1. Peru has over 55 varieties of corn, which can be found in many colors, such as yellow, black, and white.

2. The potato was first grown in what is now Peru, and today there are more than 3000 varieties.

machupicchu-trek-peru (573)3. Lima, the capital of Peru, was once the richest and most powerful city in the Americas, but declined when the Spanish made another viceroyalty in Argentina.

4. The oldest university in the Americas, San Marcos University, was founded in Lima in 1551.

5. Peru is the world’s 6th largest gold producer.

6. 2/3 of Peru is covered by the Amazon Rainforest.

7. There are about 90 different micro-climates within Peru.

8. Peru has the highest sand dune in the world, called Cerro Blanco. It is located near the Nazca Lines and is 1176 meters (3860 feet) high.

9. Peru is the world’s 8th largest coffee producer.

10. Peru has more shamans than any other country except India.

11. The official languages in Peru are Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara, along with other indigenous languages in areas where they predominate.

Plaza 1112. About 1/3 of the population lives in Lima.

13. Peru is the world’s top producer of silver.

14. In 2006 the Lima Stock Exchange grew 185.24%, and it grew by 168.3% in 2007, making it one of the fastest growing in the world.

15. The currency in Peru is the Nuevo Sol, which means “New Sun”.

16. Peru has the world’s 2nd largest fishing industry after China.

17. There are at least 1881 bird species in Peru.

18. The oldest city in the Americas is Caral, located 2 hours south of Lima, it dates back 5000 years.


19. The oldest newspaper in South America was founded by Simon Bolivar in Lima in 1825.

20. Peru’s main ethnic groups are: 45% Native Indian, 37% Mestizo (mixed native and European), 15% White, and 3% others.

21. Peru’s main religious groups are: 81% Roman Catholic, 12% Evangelical, 3.3% other, and 2.9% non-

22. Peru is divided into 3 main regions, the Coast, the Andes, and the Rainforest.

23. Peru is the 3rd largest country in South America, and the 20th largest in the world.

24. The Inca Empire only existed for about 100 years, and before that, many other indigenous groups lived in what is now Peru.

25. About 70% of Peru’s population lives in urban areas.


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