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Most tourists taking part in the Inca Trail Trekking adventure to Machu Picchu are not necessarily specialist trekkers. Therefore, at TOUR IN PERU EIRL, we strongly recommend our clients to follow a reasonable course of training in order to get the maximum benefit while on the hiking adventure. Although you feel you are in good physical conditions (fit enough), keep in mind that the Inca Trail does not include activities of your regular routine; therefore, apart from requiring a reasonable standard of fitness, you need to be used to climbing hills and walking along narrow paths at different altitudes.

Recognizing the importance of a good preparation to enjoy your Inca Trail adventure is really important; therefore, we invite you to start exercising in advance. The demands of a trekking holiday are specific and very different from other activities so it is important that your training programme is also specific to the demands of your trek. The trekking consists of 6 to 7 walking hours a day, normally, in different temperatures and over hilly and rigged terrain at times. So in order for you to have a hazzle-free advetnure, this requires endurance, leg strength, aerobic fitness, stamina and a good comfortable pair of walking boots!

It is not enough to spend endless nights researching on the Inca Trail adventures, its location, duration and appropriate precautions to take; this could be the trip of your lifetime and you need some fitness preparation. See our traveller’s testimonials for inspiration on your next adventure!

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