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Neither Brazilian actors of the soap opera, Insensato Corazón, could stand their desire to visit the beautiful City of Cuscoand  the citadel of Machu Picchu which has been visited not only by actors, but also presidents, singers, footballers and other world class personalities.

This is why, after their arrival in the imperial city, Paola Oliveira and Antonio Fagundes visited the Stone of Twelve Angles, Sacsayhuaman, among other important tourist atractions which will be used as locations for the recordings of the new soa popera of the renowned Brazilian television network, Red O’Globo, which will be seen in more than 23 countries.

Actors Antonio, Paola and other internationally recognized stars, stayed a week in Cusco where they participated in the scenes of the new soap opera and made use of their free time to learn more about the culture of the imperial city and, of course, to have a great time while in Peru. This visit, once again, highlights the great international recognition to the city of Cusco.

Therefore, if Peru is conquering the world with its scenery, costumes and music; its people can also conquer them with their kindness and assistance. Let’s go on being the nice Peruvians we are so that we can help with the practice ofsusitainable tourism and continue generating opportunities in all Peruvian corners.

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