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Each year, between the 15th and 19th of July, we have the Paucartambo celebration, honoring the Virgen del Carmen. Just four hours from Cusco City, there is a wonderful, typical festivity on the streets and church which shows costumes, dances, music and more. Find out here.


The Virgen del Carmen is quite revered by most of the local population and by the many visitors, both national and foreign, who arrive at the town for the Paucartambo celebration. They will surely enjoy all the variety of dances, music, street bands, religious fervor, typical drinks and foods, fireworks, theatrical presentations and more. Finally, the central moment is the procession of the Virgen herself, when dancers in costumes will climb to roofs and balconies to celebrate  “Mother Carmen”.


The dancers go up to the ceilings to see the festive spectacle.

The Paucartambo celebration for the Virgen del Carmen already has a National Cultural Heritage status, granted in 2006 by the Peruvian government. There is a long story which says that back in the 17th century a large mix of locals and traveling merchants was taking place in the village, so it was decided to commend a crowned statue of the Virgin and built her a church, to celebrate such situation and protect everybody.

Paucartambo Celebration Program

July 15th: on this first day, there are plenty of fireworks, ringing of church bells, typical dances and theater (the purgatory) on the street and music from marching bands.

July 16th: there are two masses, one after the other, the first for the dawn and the second is a musical one. Afterwards, there is typical dancing and music on the streets.

July 17th: this is the day of the amazing procession of the Virgen del Carmen, with people following the statue, dancers in typical disguise on the balconies and roofs. This is a day of general blessing and finally the procession goes to the cemetery to show respect for the deceased dancers.

July 18th: now the image is inside her church and the priests will first proceed with the blessing of the children. In the afternoon, they will do the same for the entire population and visitors.

July 19th: this is the final day, when the image is given a quite fine new apparel. Devotees and people take the time to pray and say their goodbyes to “Mother Carmen”                       


This celebration ends with a festival of dances through the different streets.

Going to the Paucartambo Celebration

TOUR IN PERU is a fully certified, nationally-awarded (Peruvian Company of the Year –  Tourism Branch) travel operator, with more than 8 years of top-quality services. On this website you can find all the amazing packages we offer and plenty of additional information for traveling in and around Cusco and top destinations in our country.

Undoubtedly, the Paucartambo celebration can be a really great addition to your vacation in Cusco! It is one of the most traditional Christian festivities in Peru. Talk to our travel experts if you want to add this unforgettable experience to your stay in these exciting lands!

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